Stoke Fleming Recreation Ground Biodiversity Plans 2022

Stoke Fleming Recreation Ground Biodiversity Plans 2022

Stoke Fleming Recreation Ground Biodiversity Plans 2022

The Parish Council has agreed to the creation of a biodiversity improvement area on the part of the recreation ground that borders Venn Lane. The present “amenity” grass, which is not very species-rich, will be replaced with a mix of long wild meadow grasses and flowers, with mown pathways and plantings of native trees and shrubs. The trees will include wild cherry, sweet chestnut and English Oak

The shrubs will include guelder rose, dog rose, hawthorn, elder, dogwood, hazel and blackthorn. Overall, the area should provide support for birds, bats, bees, insects and other creatures.

The cost will be met with funds from the new development on School Road and is in line with the Environment Bill which is currently progressing through Parliament, and seeks not only to maintain opportunities for wildlife but to achieve a 10 percent increase in biodiversity. In addition to the new area on the recreation ground the School Road developer has also intensified its on-site plans for hedging, meadow grassland and tree planting.